Adrien and Megan are two sweethearts that I had the pleasure of photographing last January. We met up in Kansas City at John’s Greenhouse for their engagement session, which is such a beautiful hidden gem that is perfect for couples who are wanting to do something different with their engagement photos!
The couple met at Rockhurst University’s gay-straight alliance organization called “Unity.” They both recalled feeling attracted to one another after meeting, but didn’t start dating until a year and half later when Megan finally decided to ask Adrien out.
Megan and Adrien are both similar to me in the fact that they both LOVE to nap lol. They also enjoy playing games, and are planning on having a wide variety of board games at their wedding. One thing that I really liked that Megan mentioned was that running errands, no matter how mundane, are just like dates. I love that because I strongly believe that’s what it should feel like to be in a relationship.
Adrien mentioned that Megan reminded them of Snow White, not only because of the similar hair and rosy cheeks, but also because they are “truly the fairest of them all.” Megan took a different route and said that Adrien reminded them of Shane from Buzzfeed’s “Unsolved: Supernatural.” Megan said this is because Adrien and Shane both don’t believe in ghosts, and are “very matter of fact.”
These two have overcome a lot of difficult obstacles in their lives as a queer interracial couple. But that is not stopping them from being excited for what comes next in marriage. For Megan, it’s being able to live the rest of their life feeling 100% supported and loved by Adrien. For Adrien, it’s exciting to finally be able to spend everyday with Megan and not have to worry about the pandemic or schedules not lining up. And for the both of them, it’s the amazing joy of knowing they will be able to goof off and laugh together for the rest of their lives. Trust me, we were laughing the ENTIRE TIME during their session.
What are some of the things that you are looking forward to during marriage? Let us know in the comments!